SIEM REAP travel guide with budget itinerary

I wasn’t supposed to return, but it was just too irresistible.

The first time I set foot in the Angkor Archaeological Park, I was on a solo backpacking trip across continental Southeast Asia. Siem Reap was not part of my original route, but it would be such a shame to travel across the region without stopping at the world-famous Angkor Wat. I went out of the way, and it was a good decision. Not only was Siem Reap visually stunning and historically significant, it was also a delightfully budget-friendly city. It didn’t put a dent on my usually fragile finances.

Two years later, my pals and housemates wanted to go backpacking across ASEAN with me, and I was tasked to build our itinerary. This time, I tried to make sure that we won’t be stopping at destinations that I had already visited on my previous journey. but as much as I wanted to skip Siem Reap, I couldn’t deny this experience to my friends. Angkor is a must-see for a reason, and they must see it too.

So I returned. The upside, I get to update this travel guide!


WHERE TO stay IN SIEM REAPTop Siem Reap budget Hotels
Top Siem Reap Hostels
Search for more: Siem Reap Hotels

HOW TO get TO SIEAM REAPBangkok to Siem Reap
Manila to Siem Reap
Siem Reap airport to City Center

HOW TO get around SIEM REAPSiem Reap Bicycle Rental
Siem Reap by Tuktuk
Siem Reap Motorcycle Rental
Siem Reap tour Packages

THINGS TO do in SIEM REAPAngkor Tour
Cambodian cooking Class
Phnom Kulen waterfall Day Tour
PHARE The Cambodian Circus
Other places to check out in Siem Reap

FREQUENTLY ASKED questions about SIEM REAPIs Siem Reap safe?
What are the common scams in Siem Reap?
When is the best time to check out Siem Reap
What is tipping policy in Siem Reap?
Where to exchange money in Siem Reap?
What are the usual prices in Siem Reap?
What is the power socket used in Siem Reap?
Do I need a visa to check out Siem Reap, Cambodia?

المزيد من النصائح حول YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️ المشاركات:


In native Khmer language, Siem Reap means “defeat of Siam,” another name for Thailand. The name was said to be bestowed upon the city by King Ang Chan, after a glorious victory over its neighboring kingdom. Thailand and Cambodia have a long history of conflict.

Siem Reap used to be a small village until an expedition into the surrounding forest began in 1901. It was also the year the Angkor was rediscovered, thus changing the fate of the quiet town. Siem Reap gained worldwide attention as the gateway to the archaeological heaven. since then, the city has enjoyed rapid development. Accommodations from budget hostels to high-end hotels and restaurants from sidewalk eateries to lively dance clubs mushroomed along the streets of the city, lodging, feeding, and entertaining tourists, who are eager to lay eyes on the ancient structures.

Here are more bits of info you need to know about Siem Reap.

Language: Khmer. English is starting to take roots, especially among younger generations. but don’t expect older people to speak or understand it, even those who make a living from tourism. but no worries because Cambodians are generally friendly and accommodating. I have toured Siem Reap twice with a driver who couldn’t understand a single English word, but my experience was still very pleasant. most street signs are bilingual, too.

Currency: Cambodian Riel (KHR). THB10,000 is roughly USD4.5, EUR 2.1, SGD 3.4, PHP 130 (as of September 2018). However, in touristy areas, the us dollar is typically used and widely accepted. You’ll find menu prices (even in street eateries) and tour rates both in riel and USD dollar.

Modes of payment: Cash. Although some restaurants and hotels accept credit cards, smaller establishments only accept cash.

Electricity Info: 220V, 5-0Hz. most usual power sockets are type A (accepts plugs with two flat pins), but type C sockets (for two round pins) are not uncommon.


While biking around the city, I noticed that most of the high-end hotels lie along the road going to Angkor from the city proper. but the more budget-friendly ones are just around the Old Market area.

Aside from the budget, another thing to consider when picking a place to stay is how you plan to spend your time in the city. If you’re the type who likes getting drunk and dancing at the club at night, you might want to consider choosing a hotel or hostel near Pub Street. Actually, I highly recommend this location (around the Pub street area) because there’s so much to do. The Angkor night Market is also just around the corner.

But here are the top budget hotels and hostels as rated by online users as of may 2017. We considered only properties with at least 20 reviews.

Top Siem Reap budget Hotels

Bopha Residence. check rates and Availability.

The golden Gecko Villa. check rates and Availability.

Visoth boفندق Utique. التحقق من الأسعار والتوافر.

سيم ريب الشرقية. التحقق من الأسعار والتوافر.

أعلى سيم ري بيوت الشباب

Oasis كبسولات نزل. التحقق من الأسعار والتوافر.

صغير هت نزل. التحقق من الأسعار والتوافر.

onederz نزل سيم ريب. التحقق من الأسعار والتوافر.

حمام سباحة الحزب. التحقق من الأسعار والتوافر.

البحث عن المزيد: فنادق سييم ريب

كيفية الوصول إلى Sieam Reap

يمكن الوصول بسهولة إلى سيم ريب من العديد من المدن الأخرى في جنوب شرق آسيا. تتوفر رحلات طيران مباشرة من مانيلا ونوم بنه وسنغافورة، بانكوك، جاكرتا، هانوي، مدينة هو تشي منه.

يمكنك أيضا السفر عن طريق الأرض من أجزاء أخرى من Indochina مثل Bangkok و Knom Penh و Ho Chi Minh City.

بانكوك إلى سيم ريب

من بانكوك، لديك ثلاثة خيارات: بالطائرة، بالحافلة، وبالقطار. من الواضح أن الطائرة هي خيار الأسرع ولكن أغلى مكلفة. يتم تقديم أدنى الأسعار من قبل Airasia Thai (وقت السفر: ساعة واحدة) وتايليد ابتسامة للطيران (وقت السفر: ساعة واحدة و 25 دقيقة). إذا قمت بالحجز مقدما، فإن الأسعار حوالي 57 دولار أمريكي.

إذا كنت تأخذ الحافلة أو القطار، فأعرف أنك سيتعين عليك الذهاب أولا إلى بلدة Aranyaprathet الحدودية، وتذهب من خلال الهجرة، ظهرت في Polepet على الجانب الكمبودي، واتخاذ الحافلة الحكومية إلى سيم ريب من هناك.

أنشأنا وظيفة منفصلة أكثر تفصيلا حول هذا الموضوع هنا: بانكوك إلى سيم ريب بالقطار أو الحافلة

مانيلا إلى سيم ريب

أرخص رحلات مباشرة إلى سيم ريب من مانيلا هي بقلم سيبو باسيفيك جوي، لكن AiraSia تقدم أسعارا تنافسية أيضا، على الرغم من أنها تجعل توقفا في كوالا لامبور، وبالتالي يستلزم وقت السفر لفترة أطول بكثير. فارس في اتجاه واحد أدناه إذا كنت تفعل الطريق مقدما يمكن أن تذهب منخفضة مثل P4500.

سيم ريب مطار إلى وسط المدينة

يقع مركز مدينة سييم ريب على بعد 10 كم فقط من المطار فقط. يستغرق 20 دقيقة فقط للوصول إلى هناك. لديك الكثير من الخيارات ولكن هذه هي الأكثر شعبية.

بواسطة Tuktuk. ستجد سائقي Tuktuk ينتظرون بشغف الركاب داخل وخارج الوعود في المطار. إذا كنت تشتت واحدة داخل المطار، فإن الأجرة حوالي 9 دولارات. إذا حصلت على واحدة خارج المطار، فلا يجب ألا تزيد عن 5 دولارات. بالطبع، إنه أعلى قليلا إذا كان الفندق خارج المركز.

بسيارة الأجرة. إذا قمت بالحجز داخل المطار، فإن الأجرة حوالي 12 دولارا.

كيفية التجول حول سييم ريب

استئجار دراجة سيم ريب

سيم ريب بالدراجة
إنه الأفضل والأرخص وسيلة لاستكشاف المدينة. سيكلفك الدراجات 1 دولار إلى دولار يوميا.

✅ حجز دراجة هنا

سيم ريب من Tuktuk

تبلغ تكلفة جولة يومية إلى 15 دولارا إلى 15 دولارا إذا كنت وحيدا أو زوجين، 18 دولارا، إذا كنت حفلتين من 3. إذا كنت ترغب حقا في توفير المال، فقم بتشكيل مجموعة من 3 وتقسيم التكلفة فقط لذلك تدفع فقط 6 دولارات شخص.

Vins أثناء جولة Tuktuk في Angkor.
أنا ببساطة أجد شخصا متوقفا في السوق القديم. فعلت ذلك مرتين ولم أخرج أبدا في أي مشكلة. ولكن إذا كان لديك مشاكل ثقة، يمكنك فقط طرح موظفي الفندق لجهات الاتصال الخاصة بهم.

لا تتردد في تلميح سائق Tuktuk الخاص بك إذا استمتعت بخدمته. فقط تقريب الأجرة. على سبيل المثال، آخر مرة كنت هناك، دفعنا 20 دولارا بدلا من 18 دولارا.

سييم ريب استئجار دراجة نارية

الصورة المقدمة من klook
ستجد متاجر تأجير في جميع أنحاء المدينة، ولكن إذا كنت ترغب في التأكد من أنك لن يتم خدشك، اطلب من موظفي فندق الفندق الخاص بك أو بيت الشباب عن جهات الاتصال الموثوق بها أو يمكنك فقط حجز مع Klook.

تبلغ معدلات KLOOK 10 دولارات ل Honda Airblade و 20 دولارا مقابل هوندا PCX، جيدة لمدة 12 ساعة. يمكنك أيضا حجز وحدة لمدة تصل إلى 7 أيام.

تحقق من مزيد من المعلومات أو حجز وحدة هنا

سيم ريب حزم جولة

تتوفر أيضا جولات المجموعة والجولات الخاصة. من الأفضل أن تكون مرتاحا وتفضل أن يكون لديك دليل في جميع أنحاء جولتك. في القسم التالي أدناه، ستجد أشياء يجب القيام بها، ستجد روابط للجولات المرتبة التي يمكنك الانضمام إليها!

أشياء يمكن ممارستها في سييم ريب

جولة فيغكور

مثل معظم السياح الذين يزورون سيم ريب، تخميني هو أن السبب الرئيسي الذي تريد الذهاب إليه هنا هو أنغكور وات لذلك دعونا نركز عليه أولا. Angkor Wat هو موقع هادئ سيأخذه نصف يوم (إن لم يكن يوما كله يفترض أنك في أصغر التفاصيل) لرؤية جميع صالات العرض والمكتبات والزوايا والأبراج. ولكن هذه ليست الصورة كاملة. إنه مجرد محور منتزه أنجكور اليونسكو الوثائق المستدير الذي يستضيف العشرات من المعابد الأخرى التي تسببها بنفس القدر ومثيرة للاهتمام.

بايون معبد أنغكور توم، كمبوديا
للحصول على تذكرة، تحتاج فقط إلى الذهاب عدادات التذاكر بالقرب من مدخل أنغكور. فيما يلي التكاليف اعتبارا من عام 2017:

تمريرة لمدة يوم واحد: 37 دولار

تمريرة لمدة 3 أيام: 62 دولار

تمريرة لمدة 7 أيام: 72 دولار

ستقودك الروابط التالية إلى منشورات مفصلة محددة تحتوي على مزيد من المعلومات حول المكان وطرح تجاربي الشخصية. لا تتردد في استعراض مثل أنك لم تصفح من قبل.

أنغكور وات

أنغكور توم وباون معبد

تا prohm

يقول تيممانون وشو تيفودا

هل تحتاج إلى دليل سياحي؟ حسنا، أنت لا تحتاج حقا إليها. يمكنك استكشاف الحديقة بنفسك بسهولة. ومع ذلك، إذا كنت ترغب في تقدير الهياكل بشكل أفضل، أوصي بشدة بأن تحصل على واحدة. لا تحصل على دليل في الموقع نفسه. بعض صeople, sometimes children, will offer their services as tour guides on the spot. many of them are scammers. I fell victim to one. They charged exorbitant fees!

To be sure, you can join a small group tour. emphasis on SMALL. You don’t want to be part of a big horde that come in bus-fuls. Small, intimate groups ensure a more pleasant experience.

You can book with Klook here:

✅ ANGKOR full DAY tour with SUNSET watching (10 HOURS)


Cambodian cooking Class

الصورة المقدمة من klook
Offered by beyond unique cooking Class, located at Sivutha Bvld corner alley West. The class takes place at a village 10 minutes from the city center.
Rates: $24 ($20 if you book with Klook)


Phnom Kulen waterfall Day Tour

This tour will take you on a drive across rice fields and a trek along a jungle trail to see hidden ancient temples and take a dip at the Kulen Waterfall. here are the stops:

Kulen Waterfall

ancient temples and pagodas

River of Thousand Lingas

sandstone Reclining Buddha, the biggest in Cambodia

Hotel pick up and drop off are included in the package.

✅ check rates or RESERVE A SLOT HERE

PHARE The Cambodian Circus

الصورة المقدمة من klook
An initiative by PPS Association, a non-profit organization aiming to revive the Cambodian arts, the PHARE Circus tells a story about Cambodian culture through breathtaking performances including dance, acrobatics, and other stunts. It’s both traditional and modern theater in one.


Other places to check out in Siem Reap

In Godly Company. Buddhist Monks and some locals walking out of Angkor Thom through the South Gate. Behind them is the row of statues of the gods.

Angkor Silk Farm. See the silk-making process from the silk worms to the fabric-creation. free shuttle buses are available at artisans Angkor’s main center in Thmey street every 09:30am and 1:30pm.
Opening Hours: 8am-5pm.
Entrance Fee: FREE.

Preah Prom Rath Pagoda

Angkor night Market

Pub street

Old Market

Angkor national Museum. entrance Fee: $12.


Here’s a sample 3-day 3-night Siem Reap itinerary with breakdown of expenses. This assumes you’re a group of 2 staying in the city center. I also included Klook affiliate links so you could easily book discounted tours.

09:10pm – Arrival at Siem Reap Airport
10:00pm – Tuktuk to Hotel, $5
10:30pm – hotel check-in
12:00mn – Lights out

07:00am – wake up call
08:00am – start Angkor Tour, $13 + $37, book tour Here
12:00nn – Lunch, $5
01:00pm – continue tour
07:00pm – Dinner, $4
10:00pm – Lights out

Day 2: KULEN waterfall TOUR
07:00am – wake up call
08:30am – start Kulen waterfall Tour, $35, book here
12:00nn – Lunch, $5
01:00pm – continue tour
03:30pm – Back to hotel, rest, freshen up
07:00pm – Dinner, $4
08:00pm – Angkor night Market
09:00pm – Pub Street
12:00am – Lights out

09:00am – wake up call, pack up
10:00am – check out, leave bags
11:00am – explore Old Market
12:00pm – Lunch, $4
01:30pm – Angkor national Museum, $12
03:30pm – Preah Prom Rath Pagoda
04:30pm – free time and snack, $4
06:30pm – Back to dinner, pick up bags
07:00pm – transfer to airport, $5
07:30pm – flight check in

If each of you will spend $12 per night on a hostel or budget hotel, this itinerary will set you back around $180 (EUR155, SGD248, PHP9700), excluding airfare and booze (LOL).

My actual expenses were much lower than this because I did the Angkor tour DIY-style. but I got scammed so I ended up losing more than what I would have paid if I just joined a group tour and hired a guide. ها ها ها ها. هكذا الحياة.


Don’t lose your tuktuk driver. If you’re exploring Angkor by tuktuk, always agree on a meeting point before entering a temple. There are so many tuktuks swarming in front of major structures that it can be difficult to find the one

TNN: بالضبط كيفية السفر إلى الغلوتين المجانية

بالضبط كيف يمكن لشخص ما أن يسافر حول العالم بسرعة إذا كان خاليًا من الغلوتين؟

انضم إلينا لاكتشاف الأساسيات من مسافر سيلياك ذي خبرة. على الرغم من أنه يحتاج إلى بعض التخطيط الإضافي ، إلا أنه لا يزال بإمكانك بالتأكيد الحصول على المرونة في السفر إلى أي مكان في العالم ، حتى لو كنت خاليًا من الغلوتين.

سوف يظهر لك Elikqitie بالضبط كيف:

السفر خالية من الغلوتين على رحلات بحرية وكذلك رحلات الطرق
ابحث عن مطعم آمن خالٍ من الغلوتين على الطريق
السفر بأمان مع حساسية الطعام – يمكن تطبيق التوصيات الواردة في هذه الورشة …

يا! آسف للمقاطعة ولكن ….

يبدو أنك تعثرت على مقال مشترك فقط!

(عضوا فعلا؟ سجل الدخول هنا.)

هذا المنشور هو فقط لأعضاء البدو مات بلس! NM+ هو برنامج عضونا الوحيد الذي يوفر للزوار مثلك الوصول إلى منشورات المدونة المكافأة. أعض أعضاء أيضا الحصول على كتب مجانية، دليل إرشادات ودورات التدوين، والوصول إلى أحداثنا، وأعاديب الأحداث، والهبات الشهرية، والقمصان، وخصومات السفر الموفرة للأموال، وكذلك أكثر!

كعضو في البدو مات بلس، لا يمكنك فقط الحصول على الكثير من المزايا لجعل رحلاتك أكثر بأسعار معقولة، لكن عليك أن تساعدنا في إنتاج مواد السفر الشاملة التي تحبها!

أفضل للجميع ، أن الاشتراك يكلف أقل من حساب الغداء!

إذا كنت ترغب في الوصول إلى هذا المنشور (بالإضافة إلى 100+ مقالات أخرى للأعضاء فقط) بالإضافة إلى جميع هذه الامتيازات المذهلة الأخرى ، انضم إلى Matt Plus ، وكذلك البدء في الحصول على المزيد من رحلاتك اليوم!

يتعلم أكثر

تسجيل الدخول

AQUARIA WATER PARK, BATANGAS travel guide + requirements

located in Barangay Sta. Ana in the municipality of Calatagan, Aquaria Water Park is part of Calatagan South beach (CaSoBe), a huge seaside residential and resort community that is continually being developed by Landco. It is a full-service resort with rooms, cabanas, and three dining places. It also has swimming pools with varying depths and features a thrilling water slide. Although it bears “water park” in its name, don’t expect a terrific variety in the slides. think of it as a a lot more exciting family resort.

While it has an exciting water slide and several swimming pools, the resort lies along the beach, so you can also take pleasure in the company of nature as you laze on the supple, cream-colored sand and enjoy the stunning sunset.

It is now operating, yes, but because the COVID-19 danger is still present in the Philippines, there are safety protocols to be followed to make sure the safety of everyone — including both the guests and the staff.

For those planning to check out soon, here are the things you need to know before you go.

ما هو مغطى في هذا الدليل؟

Who are allowed to visit?
هل نحن بحاجة للحجز؟
How to Book
Aquaria Water Park travel Requirements
Is there a checkpoint going to Calatagan?
How to get to Aquaria Water Park from ManilaBy private Car
By Public Transportation

New normal Admission Procedure
Operating Days and Hours
Day excursion vs Overnight Stay
Day excursion RatesEntrance Fee
Hut & Table Rentals

Overnight RatesCocoons at CaSoBe
Crusoe Cabins

Things to Do at Aquaria Water ParkHighlight Attractions
نشاطات أخرى
Other resort Amenities

Where to Eat
القواعد و القوانين التنظيمية
Other ideas for the poor Traveler
أسئلة مكررة
Aquaria Water Park contact Details
Calatagan emergency Hotline and contact Numbers
المزيد من الأفكار على موقع يوتيوب ⬇

Who are allowed to visit?

As of November 2021, Aquaria Water Park welcomes guests of ALL AGES!

But note that it can only accept those from GCQ and MGCQ areas with Alert level 1-3.

هل نحن بحاجة للحجز؟

Aquaria Water Park accepts both overnight and day excursion guests. However, as of writing, WALK-IN guests ARE NOT YET permitted in any Calatagan resort. This is mandated by the local government of Calatagan.

All resorts are required to forward a list of guest arrivals to the local government a day before to allow entry of tourists into Calatagan.

If you want to book through an online booking platform such as Klook, you might also score a discount. Make sure you contact the management to inform them of your booking. show your booking voucher, so the management can confirm your reservation. safe the other requirements as well. check the previous section for the needed travel documents.

✅ check rates & RESERVE HERE!

How to Book

Guests need to reserve or book their check out in advance. You may do so through any of the following:

If you wish to check out on a DAY TRIP, you may book by means of Klook.

If you plan to stay at CRUSOE CABINS, book by means of Agoda or this website.

If you plan to stay at COCOONS AT CASOBE, book by means of Agoda or this website.

You may also email the following:

Day Trip:
Cocoons at CaSoBe:
Crusoe Cabins:

Then do the following:

Contact Aquaria Water Park. You may email them through the corresponding emails above. If you booked by means of their web site or third-party site, send them a copy of your booking. If you haven’t booked yet, then inquire for availability first and supply the total headcount, your choice of lodging (if any), and the date of your visit. Bookings done by means of the official web site can be paid by credit scores card transaction. Otherwise, you can pay through bank transfers and then send a copy of the deposit slip through email.

Save and print a copy of the booking voucher or confirmation letter. You’ll be presenting on the day of your trip. Make sure you have two (2) hard copies of the confirmation letter. One will be handed over at the checkpoint.

Complete all the requirements. The resort staff will also tell you all the requirements that you need to have prior to your trip. Make sure that you safe all the needed papers for your trip.

Have all the requirements ready for checking on the day of your check out or check-in date. There’s a representative per resort at the checkpoint. They will check your papers and your name on the resort’s guest list.

Aquaria Water Park travel Requirements

As of November 2021, here are the requirements when traveling to Aquaria Water Park:

Confirmed Reservation. This can be your confirmation Letter or Booking Voucher. This will serve as proof of your booking or reservation.

Travel Coordination permit (TCP) through S-Pass. Calatagan is a restricted municipality in Batangas requiring TCP by means of S-Pass account. If you don’t have an S-Pass account yet, here’s how to register: how to get S-Pass: travel Coordination permit (TCP).

For guests 18 years old and above, a vaccination card for fully vaccinated guests or an RT-PCR or Antigen negative test result for unvaccinated guests. For vaccinated guests, at least 14 days have passed after your second dose before the arrival date. For unvaccinated guests, the negative test result need to be within 72 hours before the arrival date.

For guests 11 years old and below, bring a copy of the birth certificate. The birth certificate shall be presented instead of the S-Pass travel permit. The accompanying guardian need to complete all the requirements.

For guests 12-18 years old, negative RT-PCR (swab or saliva) test result, 72 hours before arrival date OR negative Antigen test result, 24 hours before arrival date. This is for those who are not yet fully vaccinated. The result need to be done or certified by a DOH-accredited test center.

Valid Government-Issued IDs


Make sure to bring two (2) hard copies of the documents. The officer-in-charge/an Aquaria staff will ask for a copy at the checkpoint. The other one will be presented at the resort’s registration counter.

When publishing your requirements for S-Pass TCP, you can publish the vaccine card if fully vaccinated in the “RT-PCR negative result or Equivalent” section. You may publish a copy of your booking confirmation voucher/receipt in the “Other Documents” section.

Still following the guidelines of A.O. No. 2020-006-C, guests need to come from CALABARZON or NCR regions and need to stick to the “point to point” travel between the two regions.

These restrictions are subject to change based on the prevailing local government policies.

Is there a checkpoint going to Calatagan?

نعم عادة.

“Usually” because we’ve been to Calatagan a few times this year and there was always a checkpoint each time, except on our recent trip. We asked the Aquaria staff why we didn’t encounter any checkpoint this time around and we were told that it has considering that become occasional. That said, visitors are still required to bring a copy of their S-Pass TCP and all the other requirements because you’ll never know when the checkpoint will be there and because it’s the ideal thing to do.

How to get to Aquaria Water Park from Manila

Aquaria Water Park is located in Barangay Sta. Ana on the western coast of Calatagan in Batangas. coming from Manila, the travel time is three to four hours, depending on the traffic conditions.

By private Car

Traveling by means of private automobile is the safest option these days. going to Calatagan from Manila, the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) is the fastest route. another route is by means of Aguinaldo Highway. Whichever route you choose, road tripping is now much easier when you seek advice from Waze or Google Maps for direction.

From SLEX, you can either take Santa Rosa exit or Mamplasan Exit. The latter is a faster route with the launching of the Cavite-Laguna Expressway (CALAX). ready your Autosweep and EasyTrip (if taking CALAX).

Whatever route you take, you will be driving along Santa Rosa-Tagaytay Road. continue driving until you reach Tagaytay Rotonda.

Continue driving along Tagaytay-Nasugbu Road. You will reach the Batangas-Cavite boundary, driving past the arc with a “Welcome to Nasugbu” greeting.

Take a ideal turn when you reach the Palico Rotonda or junction. The landmarks are Jollibee and Caltex.

Continue driving along Palico-Nasugbu highway until you reach the Lian-Nasugbu Intersection / Rotonda. Your landmarks are Shakey’s and shell gasoline station.

Take the Calatagan-Lian Highway, passing through Lian town proper. There may be a checkpoint upon entry to Lian so make sure you have the requirements and tell the staff that you’re bound for Calatagan. continue driving until you reach the boundary of Calatagan and Lian.

You will reach the checkpoint where you need to present the travel requirements. See the previous section for the new normal entry/travel process.

When you are already cleared, continue driving through Calatagan town proper. You will pass by Lago de Oro. اتبع الاشارات.

Continue driving passing by Stilts. shortly after, you will see the CaSoBe entrance to your right.

Alternative Route: another route from SLEX is to continue driving to star Tollway then take Batangas City Exit. then drive through the towns of Bauan, Lemery, Calaca, and Balayan to reach Calatagan.

By Public Transportation

Make your way to DLTBCo Buendia Bus Terminal, located just next to the LRT Gil Puyat Station.

Board the bus bound for Calatagan. P180-200. get off at Calatagan town Proper.

Hail a tricycle to Stilts. Fare: P200-250.

Pre-pandemic, there was a Calatagan Van terminal in Pasay City. It’s located along P. Zamora street between Kabayan hotel and Metropoint Mall. This is the point where MRT trains terminate at Taft station along EDSA. but we’re not sure if this van service remains operational.

New normal Admission Procedure

The team had recently been to Aquaria (November 2021). Here’s our entry process experience:

At the gate, the guard will ask you about your service and your booking confirmation.

There’s a staff member who will assist you at the vehicle parking lot, guiding you to the registration area.

From the vehicle parking lot, you will go through the foot bath or foot sanitation area.

After that, you will be asked to wash your hand inside the restroom. One person at a time.

After washing your hands, you will be asked to sanitize your hands with alcohol when you exit the restroom.

You will then be led to the registration counter. There are significant floor markings and signs reminding you of the health and safety protocols.

Before you technique the registration counter, you have to go through thermal scanning to check your temperature.

Check in and register. You will find different QR Codes there. These are for the following:
– إستمارة تسجيل
– تنازل
– health declaration Form

You can also accomplish the first two forms online prior to your arrival.

Pay the ecological fee. It costs P30 per person. This is government-mandated.

Welcome and enjoy! Don’t forget to observe social distancing and other safety protocols.

Operating Days and Hours

ساعات العمل
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Monday – Friday (except holidays and with 1-hour lunch break)

Resort Hours
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Monday, Wednesday – Sunday



The aqua park conducts weekly maintenance that prompts the management to close the park for one whole day (Tuesday) every week.

For those staying overnight, no swimming at the beach beyond 6:00 PM. a lot of pools are open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM only, but there’s one that remains open until 8:00 PM.

For group package or events, check the official web site or contact the management for the available schedule.

There are also dates when the park is closed for private events, weather-related reasons, or maintenance. It’s better to check the official web site or FB page prior to your check out or booking.

Day excursion vs Overnight Stay

Which is better depends on how much time you have, what you want to experience, and what your mode of transportation will be. The place is not too big or complicated and is pretty easy to explore. If you have your own ride, it’s possible to have a grand time even on a day tour.

If you want to explore the water park unhurriedly and you have the budget and the luxury of time, then you may opt to book an overnight stay. This is also a wiser choice if you’re taking the bus + tricycle because public transportation options are still limited due to the pandemic-related restrictions.

Day excursion Rates

رسم الدخول

OFF-PEAK season (July – December)

P400: Adults
P200: children (4ft and below)
FREE: Infants (1 y/o and below)

Weekends, holidays & long Weekends
P600: Adults
P300: children (4ft and below)
FREE: Infants (1 y/o and below)

PEAK season (January – June)

P600: Adults
P300: children (4ft and below)
FREE: Infants (1 y/o and below)

Weekends, holidays & long Weekends
P800: Adults
P400: children (4ft and below)
FREE: Infants (1 y/o and below)


The rates depend on the season. height season rates are different from the lean or off-peak season rates.

The height season period is January to June, while the off-peak season is July to December.

The rates are inclusive of complimentary use of swimming facilities — pool, beach, and shower rooms.

Day trip schedule is from 8:00 AM to 5:30PM only.

The Calatagan Municipality has mandated the collection of P30 per person for the tourism ecological Fee. This is usually paid at the resort either upon check-in or check out.

If you want to book through an online booking platform such as Klook, you might also score a discount. Make sure you contact the management to inform them of your booking. show your booking voucher, so the management can confirm your reservation. safe the other requirements as well. check the previous section for the needed travel documents.


Hut & Table Rentals
