17 things TO SEE and do in TAIWAN

Last Updated: 2/2/2020 | 2 فبراير 2020

I used to live in Taiwan for a few months as an English teacher. I loved the time there and have always felt the country was really under-appreciated. So, in this is a guest post by Carrie Kellenberger from My several Worlds and an expat living in Taiwan for ten years, she lists out all the amazing things you should see and do there.

Every country in Asia is beautiful, but Taiwan is special for many reasons. The people are warm and hospitable. In March 2019, Taiwan was listed as the happiest place in east Asia.

While it might be a small island, you would be amazed at the never-ending variety of sights and fun things to do here. With over a hundred mountain peaks above 3,000 meters, over a hundred hot springs scattered around the island, both golden and black-sand beaches, nine national parks, world-class museums, glittering skyscrapers, stunning temples, and a substantial number of night markets that are second to none, Taiwan has something that everyone can enjoy.

To this day, nearly 14 years after I moved here, I still think Taiwan is one of Asia’s best-kept travel destinations.

Here are some of the best ways to spend your time in Taiwan:

1. Eat, eat Eat!

The national pastime in Taiwan is eating. Taiwanese, both adults and children, are very work and study oriented, so their lifestyles demand healthy food that is available on the go. Moreover, there is always an abundance of fruits and vegetables, so visiting a local market can be a delight when you find out how low-cost it is to eat fresh food.

As a result, Taiwan has become an epicurean’s playground. The food scene is an international smorgasbord of culinary delights, for every budget and almost every diet.

Night Markets
While there are five-star international restaurants of every variety throughout the country, the night markets are where the real gastronomes go. They promise to keep your belly full while your wallet remains relatively unscathed.

There are over 30 night markets in Taipei, new Taipei, and Keelung (and over 70 night markets across Taiwan). If you’re not sure which one to choose, check out this list of night markets in Taiwan and take your pick. My personal favorites are Shilin, Keelung, and Roahe street in Taipei.

Here are a few things you should try:

Xiao long bao, also known as soup dumplings, a favorite staple food here. They are made out of a thin pastry folded into a type of bag that is then stuffed full with a meat-and-vegetable mixture and a tiny amount of soup, then garnished with raw ginger and soy sauce. Biting into one of these is a flavor explosion in your mouth. plenty of street vendors at night markets offer fresh xiao long bao for around $2 USD for a basket of 10-12. There is really no reason not to try them. I’ve yet to meet a visitor to Taiwan who hasn’t loved their xiao long bao experience. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Oyster vermicelli

Oyster omelets

حساء الشعيرية بلحم البقر

الدجاج المقلي

Tian bu la (a type of fish cake fried with coriander with a dash of pepper and spice)

Sweet Taiwanese sausage or BBQ on a stick

Stinky tofu

“Coffin bread” (a tasty bread bowl shaped like a coffin)

Pig’s blood cake (It’s made from pig’s blood, sticky rice and soy broth and tastes much better than it sounds, I promise!)

الجليد حلق

Zhen zhu nai cha (Taiwanese bubble tea)

Taiwan Beer (it’s the most popular local beer)

No matter what you decide on, you’re sure to have a terrific meal at a low cost while experiencing Taiwanese culture at its very best. You’ll be amazed at what you can buy for dinner for just $5 USD! You’ll definitely find some things that you hate, but you’ll also find things that you’ll love. It’s all part of the experience, right?

2. check out a Taiwanese Teahouse

Tea culture in Taiwan is wonderful, and there are many options for tea lovers.

Maokong Gondola – This gondola will whisk you four kilometers to a mountain peak in a glass-bottomed cable car, from which you can view the tea plantations built into the side of the mountain as you zoom up. You can catch it at the Taipei Zoo MRT station; a ride costs 120 NT ($4 USD) each way. once you’re at the top, there are several winding paths for a pleasant mountaintop stroll and a terrific selection of teahouses to choose from when you’re ready to enjoy a cup of fresh mountain tea.

Jiufen – If you’re heading out of Taipei, Jiufen is one of Taiwan’s most popular tourist destinations, owing to its appearance in the studio Ghibli film Spirited Away. This seaside mountain village offers some terrific shopping opportunities, as well as all the different kinds of foods you see in the movie. It’s one of my favorite places, because it is also home to some stunning teahouses in the most glorious setting. think of sitting at the top of a mountain, looking out over the ocean in the comfort of a traditional tea house. It is truly a magical experience, especially if you can get there for sunset. go on a weekday to avoid the large weekend crowds.

Jwu Jiu Teahouse – If you make it as far south as Chiayi, be sure to find Jwu Jiu Teahouse, a hidden gem that is like taking a step back into the past. Jwu Jiu is a traditional wooden teahouse set above enormous stone ponds filled with hundreds of giant, brightly colored koi. Feed the fish while sipping on your tea, and enjoy some traditional dim sum in the loveliest setting you’ve ever seen. The grounds belong to a local family, and the teahouse uses a well that is over a century old, in which the water still runs deep and pure. The owner has kept most of the original structures and bricks, plus a hundred-year-old Osmanthus tree, which is associated with many traditions in China and Taiwan. If you’re a history buff, you’ll enjoy the teahouse’s long history, displayed with pride and obvious care.

3. check out the northern Coastline

Head to the coast for some incredible lunar-like landscapes at Yehliu Geopark. There are some unique, otherworldly rock formations, including one that looks like Queen Elizabeth (though it took over 4,000 years to form) that are a popular tourist attraction. try to get there early to beat the crowds.

4. hit the Beaches

The beaches of Kenting on the southern tip of the island offer fun in the sun. White Sand Bay is the most popular and a terrific place to soak up the sun, swim, snorkel, or even go diving (just keep an eye out for jellyfish!). other terrific beaches are South Bay and little Bali Bay.

5. soak in the hot Springs

Taipei has its very own active volcano in its backyard, and because of the volcanic activity in the area, Beitou hot Springs enjoys a steady stream of visitors and locals who love to bathe in its healthy waters. prices start around 40 NT ($1.30 USD) per person for a soak in the hot springs, making it a very affordable choice for anyone looking for some R&R.

6. Go Island Hopping

The stunning islands of Penghu just off Taiwan’s western coastline will delight your sense of wanderlust and are especially well known for their golden beaches. This island archipelago has islands that are all distinct.

Boats will drop you off at one island for a few hours and then take you to the next one, so you can literally go from snorkeling to observing sea turtles to wandering through traditional aboriginal villages made out of coral in a single day.

7. See Old Taiwan

Two groups of islands that make up the Kinmen Archipelago off the west coast of Taiwan, just a couple miles from mainland China — and they are old Taiwan at its best. here you’ll be able to see some traditional architecture, and there are also insightful museums that highlight the ongoing tensions between the People’s Republic and Taiwan.

8. get Off the Beaten Track on Orchid Island and green Island

Located just off the southeastern coast, these lush islands are a treat to visit. here you’ll find hiking, swimming, diving, and amazing hot springs. You can also get further off the beaten path and have an adventure by renting a scooter to traveling around the islands yourself!

9. explore the green Mountains

Grab a scooter and head up into the green mountains, which extend over five ranges the length of the island. If you want to stretch your legs, climb to the summit of stunning Jade mountain and watch the sunrise; this stunning peak is almost 4,000 meters above sea level, making Taiwan the world’s fourth-highest island.

10. check out Wuling peak on Hehuan mountain

If you’re still craving some climbing and hiking, head to Wuling peak on Hehuan Mountain, around 3,275 meters above sea level, making it another good hike for anyone looking to spend more time outdoors. but what really makes this place special is that the peak is so high, you can look down into a sea of clouds below!

11. Go Hiking in Taroko national Park

Ready for another city break? This national park offers visitors a chance to hike through mountainous terrain and gorges, and you can even stop to dip your feet in swiftly flowing mountain rivers. Covering just under 100,000 hectares, it’s one of only nine national parks in Taiwan. You can check out the park solo or as part of a full-day tour from Taipei. التقديم مجاني.

12. Head East

To really enjoy Taiwan’s majestic beauty, don’t forget Taiwan’s eastern coastline. The east coast highway has some of the most dramatic coastal scenery in the world, from plunging sea cliffs and splashing surf to beaches, nature reserves, and rural towns a world away from the big city.

13. witness Some Chaos

Check out the feeding frenzy of the markets in Taipei, or enjoy a stroll around amazing Ximending, the gay district and Taipei’s answer to Tokyo’s Shibuya. Ximending boasts a enormous outdoor plaza behind the Red house (a well-known cultural landmark) and a pedestrian shopping zone filled with the latest fashion trends, coffee shops, restaurants, and local artisans.

Give yourself bonus points forالتحقق من جميع الكتابة على الجدران المذهلة. لن تجدها على الطرق الرئيسية ، ولكن إذا كنت تغامر في بعض الشوارع الجانبية الأصغر ، فستجد نفسك قريبًا في عالم الأزقة والممرات المزخرفة بألوان زاهية.

14. انظر معبد تيانهو

أثناء تواجدك في Ximending ، يستحق التوقف عن طريق واحد من أقدم المعابد في المدينة ، Tianhou (المعروف أيضًا باسم معبد Mazu Ximending ، بعد الإله في المنزل Mazu ، إلهة البحر). منذ عام 1746 ، إنها واحدة من ثلاث معابد رئيسية في تايوان من فترة تشينغ. إنه موجود في طريق رئيسي – لكن من السهل جدًا تفويت المدخل.

إن الاطلاع على مدخل هذا المعبد الطاوي المذهل المليء بالمخلوقات الأسطورية ، والبخور الدخاني ، والسمك الذهبي المحظوظ ، والأشخاص الذين يدفعون الاحترام للآلهة هو حقًا تجربة سريالية. لن تعرف أبدًا أن هذه الواحة الهادئة هي في واحدة من أكثر المناطق ازدحامًا في تايبيه!

15. استكشف دير قوانغ شان

إذا كان لديك رحلتك الخاصة في Kaohsiung ، فأنا أشجعك بشدة على التوقف عند دير Fo Guang Shan وتكريم الرهبان الذين يعيشون هناك. دير فائق زين مفتوح للجمهور ، المجمع هائل ومذهل ، مما يؤدي إلى المسار الرائع لبوذا ، وهو طريق واسع يحيط به ثمانية معبد متطابق.

يمكنك استكشاف كل منهما وأنت تمشي في طريقك إلى بوذا الكبير ، وهو أعلى بوذا البرونزي جالسًا في العالم. لقد زرت العديد من المعابد والأديرة في حياتي ، لكن هذه الكعكة تأخذ الكعكة.

16. تحقق من قرية السكان الأصليين التايوانيين

هناك العديد من الأدلة المحلية ذات المعرفة التي يمكن أن تعرضك على طريقة الحياة من السكان الأصليين في تايوان. تعد قرية Formosa من السكان الأصليين بالقرب من Sun Moon Lake الوجهة الأكثر شعبية لمعرفة المزيد عنها ، لكنها بالتأكيد ليست الوحيدة – هناك الكثير من القرى للاختيار من بينها.

17. شارك في مهرجان Pingxi Lantern

أحد أروع الأحداث في تايوان ، يتضمن مهرجان Pingxi Lantern إطلاق مئات الفوانيس الورقية في السماء. (يتضمن العديد من المتزوجين أيضًا هذا التقليد ذي معنى كجزء من احتفال زفافهم.) إذا كنت لا ترغب في شجاعة الحشود ، فيمكنك بسهولة شراء الفانوس والضوء على أي من شواطئ تايوان.

تايوان صديقة للبيئة للغاية ، لذا تأكد من الذهاب مع خيارات الفانوس الورقية الصديقة للبيئة التي تتفكك ، ولا تترك أي بقايا ، ولا تسبب الحرائق. تقدم شركة My Taiwan Tour حاليًا أيضًا جولات من الفوانيس الورقية القابلة للتحلل في شيفن.

هناك أشياء كثيرة عن تايوان تجعلها مكانًا لا يصدق للعيش ؛ من السهل أن تأخذ بعض هذه الأشياء أمرا مفروغا منه بمجرد أن تكون هنا لفترة من الوقت. كثيرا ما أسمع أن الناس يعتقدون أن تايوان غرب للغاية ، وبينما أوافق على أنه إلى حد ما ، لا يزال هناك الكثير من التجارب التايوانية الأصيلة التي يجب أن تكون!

تايوان وما زالت وجهة سفر غير متوقعة تستمر في فرحة الزوار حتى يومنا هذا. لا يوجد مكان مثله!

تمارس كاري كيلينبرجر المغتربة الكندية في آسيا منذ عام 2003. انتقلت إلى تايوان في عام 2006 وأصبحت مقيمة دائمة في عام 2012. وهي تحب الترفيه عن الضيوف والمسافرين إلى تايوان. يمكنك أن تقرأ عن مغامراتها وحياتها هناك في مدونتها ، عوالم العديدة.

احجز رحلتك إلى تايوان: نصائح وحيل لوجستية
احجز رحلتك
استخدم Skyscanner أو Momondo للعثور على رحلة منخفضة التكلفة. إنهما محركي بحث مفضلان لأنهم يبحثون عن مواقع الويب وشركات الطيران في جميع أنحاء العالم حتى تعرف دائمًا أنه لا يوجد حجر دون تغيير. ابدأ مع Skyscanner أولاً لأن لديهم أكبر وصول!

احجز مكان إقامتك
يمكنك حجز بيت الشباب الخاص بك مع HostelWorld لأن لديهم أكبر مخزون وأفضل صفقات. إذا كنت ترغب في البقاء في مكان آخر غير بيت الشباب ، فاستخدم Booking.com لأنها تعيد باستمرار أرخص أسعار الضيوف والفنادق منخفضة التكلفة. الأماكن المفضلة للبقاء هي:

Formosa 101

تعرج تايبيه

لا تنس التأمين على السفر
سيحميك تأمين السفر من المرض والإصابة والسرقة

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